2024 Captainball
Go to the 2024 CALENDAR OF CAPTAINBALL EVENTS, simply click on this LINK.
To qualify for end-of-year CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, simply:
Send your team name, full name of team manager via WhatsApp: +6012-3400 651.
After each event you participate in:
We will update the Leader-Board by filling-in the score recorded for your Team placing.
We wish you and your Team all the best as you compete well in fairplay and rise to the top.
The Leader-Board will be updated after each Event;
For each Event your Team participates in, you will receive Points according to your 10 placing, as follows:
1st-10pts; 2nd-9pts; 3rd-8pts; 4th-7pts; 5th-6pts; 6th-5pts; 7th-4pts; 8th-3pts; 9th-2pts; 10th-1pt
• Keep on keeping on •