- G E N E R O U S G I V I N G -

At AFLsports, we believe the playing field is more than just turf. It's a powerful platform to share the love of Christ. But we can't score this touchdown alone. Your generous contribution becomes a pivotal play in our mission to spread the Good News and ignite faith within communities.

w h y p a r t n e r w i t h u s ?

  • Impactful Ministry: We reach individuals where they are, using their passion for sports as a bridge to connect with Christ. Our programs range from youth leagues with Christ-centered coaching to community events that weave faith and athleticism together.

  • Sustainable Service: Your giving fuels an entire season of ministry. It provides critical resources for equipment, coaching, outreach materials, and event organization.

  • Multiplying Faith: Every contribution creates a ripple effect. Your support equips us to empower coaches, volunteers, and athletes to become faith influencers, carrying the torch of God's word within their own communities.

Your contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference. Together, we can score victories for Christ, one game, one heart, at a time.

The focus of all AFL work is to faithfully respond to the Lord Jesus' commission to "preach the gospel to all creation" with a desire to provide a means of discipleship, in partnership with church assemblies.

Your valuable support & giving can be in:

Ministry Partnership: personal EVANGELISM, DISCIPLESHIP or CREW MEMBER

Financial Partnership: sponsor a LEAGUE, sponsor a TEAM, sponsor the CREW, or sponsor AWARDS and MONTHLY GIVING to the ministry as follows:

Awards for Events

We inscribe a Bible verse into our Medals, from which the gospel will be proclaimed;

Champions - 11 medals + trophy

Runners-Up - 11 medals

Third Place - 11 medals

Fourth Place - 11 medals

Quality Medals @RM18ea

Quality Trophy @RM400-500

(including artwork & inscriptions)

Other Expenses for Events

Venue - RM70/hour

Game Officials - RM150

Crew - RM50/volunteer

Membership Annual Giving

A contributing voice in the direction and ideas for the ministry, as a community of Christians in partnership.


click ABOUT US to learn more;

w h y g i v e ?

g i v i n g t o e n a b l e

"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: to others"

2 Corinthians 5:18.

"because of your (our) partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:5-6

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement, give you the same attitude of mine toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Romans 15:5-6

We look forward to your support and partnership, praising God for all He is doing!

Scan the QR code below to transact your Generous Giving.

Corporate Info

Account Name: AFL sports Berhad

Bank Name: Public Bank Berhad

Account Number: 3196 8004 25

Company Secretary & Accounts: Tai Yapp Management

For info about company directors & members, go to ABOUT US

If you require more information on 'Generous Giving' to this ministry, we welcome your enquiry on WhatsApp. Please click this LINK.